Event Information

Quiet Book Club Discussion: Moon of the Crusted Snow

Quiet Book Club Discussion: Moon of the Crusted Snow

We invite you to read the current book club selection Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice. 

Join us in person on June 12 for a lunchtime conversation to share how the book has impacted you personally or professionally.

Moon of the Crusted Snow was recommended by RDP's Vice President Academic & Student Experience, Lindsay Engel:

“Moon of the Crusted Snow is an Indigenous horror set in the Canadian North. This engaging narrative talks about leadership and survival and has excellent character development, including perspectives from two indigenous College students. I devoured this book because of its storytelling and suspense, but I appreciate it for sharing Indigenous ways of knowing.”
— Lindsay Engel, RDP Vice President Academic & Student Experience

Learn more about Moon of the Crusted Snow on the Quiet Book Club guide.

Related LibGuide: Quiet Book Club by Sona Macnaughton

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Centre of Teaching, Learning and Scholarship (913C)
  Library & Research  
Registration has closed.

The Quiet Book Club is a joint initiative between the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and the Library.

What is the Quiet Book Club? A chance to read a book, in quiet solitude, and then come together for a collegial discussion at the end! A no-pressure Book Club! Books are chosen based on their relevance to professional development or current topics of interest at Red Deer Polytechnic.